Lab Diagnosis
USDA Beltsville Bee Lab:
“The diagnosis of bee diseases has been a focus of this laboratory since its inception in 1891 and we operate a “Bee Disease Diagnosis Service” for beekeepers across the U.S.
There is no charge for this service.
Samples received of adult bees and beeswax comb (with and without bee brood) are examined for bacterial, fungal and microsporidian diseases as well as for two species of parasitic mites and other pests associated with honey bees (i.e., small hive beetle, Aethina tumida).
When requested, American foulbrood samples are cultured and isolates are screened for their sensitivity to Terramycin (oxytetracycline) and Tylan (tylosin).
We do not analyze samples (bees, wax comb, pollen, etc.) for the presence of viruses or pesticide residue.
We do not make determinations about which species of Nosema (N. apis or N. ceranae) are present, when nosema disease is detected.
Diagnostic reports are transmitted to both the beekeeper, submitter of the samples and to the appropriate apiary inspectors.”
* BVS Honeybee Viral Mapping Project
50.00 per sample to check virus levels
* Pesticide Analysis, Marie Denski | Lead Chemist
USDA AMS LATD NSL | 801 Summit Crossing Place | Suite B | Gastonia, NC 28054
P: 704.867.3873 | F: 704.853.2800 |
; for honey, wax, pollen, bees, brood, etc
332.00 per sample
* Pesticide Kill Reporting
> NEW YORK STATE- Note: if there is suspected pesticide poisoning in New York State, you must contact the state apiculturist at NYS Ag & Markets first, in order to make a determination and plan of action; 1-800-554-4501 or 1-518-457-2087.
> NYS DEC (link)
– State what, where, and when you discovered the incident
– attach photos of scene
– Number of hives affected
– other pertinent data
– save samples
>National Pesticide Information Center
Pesticide Analysis
Marie Denski | Lead Chemist
USDA AMS LATD NSL | 801 Summit Crossing Place | Suite B | Gastonia, NC 28054
P: 704.867.3873 | F: 704.853.2800 |
; for honey, wax, pollen, bees, brood, etc
332.00 per sample -
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
National Pesticide Information Center