Welcome to NY Bee Wellness, your source for maintaining healthy honey bee colonies

an educational nonprofit program to teach beekeepers honey bee disease recognition & to promote honey bee health

Spring Survey 2017 NY Bee Wellness Results!


325 Non-migratory beekeepers reported, from 55 of 62 counties in New York State

3279- Total number of bee colonies in November 2016; average of 10 hives per beekeeper
1702- Total number of bee colonies in April 2017; average of 5 hives per beekeeper

48%- Average loss of colonies during the winter of 2016-2017 (total 1577 hives lost).
The loss for the Winter of 2015-2016 was 24%
The loss for the Winter of 2014-2015 was 28%
The loss for the Winter of 2013-2014 was 48%.

19% of 2016 respondents had zero winter loss
-For the winter of 2015-2016, 32.2% of respondents had zero loss.
-For the winter of 2014-2015, 15.7% of respondents had zero loss.

Potential factors: widespread drought conditions in 2016, previous mild winter, varroa mite/virus population dynamics. Losses were higher in central and western New York.

Region and Loss:
Western 52%; Mid-West 68%, South Central 57%, East Central 51%, North 42%, East 36%, South East 41%, NYC Metro 10%