Welcome to NY Bee Wellness, your source for maintaining healthy honey bee colonies

an educational nonprofit program to teach beekeepers honey bee disease recognition & to promote honey bee health

Swarm, Varroa Count, & Virus mapping

NY Bee Wellness has launched a website to map mite counts, swarms and bee virus, the 3 maps are ready to use.

Bee Wellness Mapping | NY Bee Wellness


This website was designed to collect and share data about the wellness of bees across New York State and surrounding area and states

It should be interesting to see the numbers over the course of the year for all maps.

The virus map is view able, but data can only be entered from the Virus Mapping Study conducted by NY Bee Wellness Inc, but it is interesting to see the levels of virus and nosema from different parts of the state.

For the swarms map, if you have more than 1 swarm, enter the number in the comments sections.

For the Varroa count page, please follow instructions.

Thank you!