Early Fall NY Bee wellness Newsletter 2019
Spring Survey 2019 NY Bee Wellness Results!
Summer 2017 Newsletter NY Bee Wellness, Survey Results
Swarm, Varroa Count, & Virus mapping
NYS Apiary Industry Advisory Committee
August 2016
- AIAC members Aug 2016 (PDF)
- Minutes of the AIAC meeting Aug 2016 (PDF)
- Document referenced in the meeting and to Dr. Fell’s phone conversation: Virginia Tech study aims to help explain honeybee losses (PDF)
- NYS Pollinator Protection Plan: nyspollinatorplan (PDF)
- Link to 6 NYCCR Part 575 Prohibited and Regulated Invasive Species Express Terms: http://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/93848.html*
- NYS Apiary Laws
NOTE: much time was spent on the issue of American Foul Brood Disease; the NYS Pollinator Protection Plan was very briefly mentioned, and invasive species eradication was addressed.
*It was suggested that plants listed and targeted for eradication that are considered beneficial to beekeepers could possibly be spared if beekeepers submitted the economic yields or quantities of honey obtained to the DEC.